450+ Exact match product and service domains with live traffic
Update: If you’d like to receive future available domains and private domain sales, here’s the link.
I’m offering domains for sale from a portfolio of 450+ exact match product and service domains, most with active traffic – many with existing revenue.
The majority of the names have been parked with Smartname.com and have received over 67,129 unique visitors over the last year. With a little work, many can be developed or sold to end users in the $xxx – $x,xxx range.
Each domain includes one year renewal. To purchase, be the first to e-mail ‘SOLD’ and the domains you agree to purchase. Payment to be made within 24 hours via Paypal. If we haven’t done business before, payments over $500 to be made via wire transfer.
Domain pricing: $95/each
Volume discounts of $69/domain apply if purchasing 10 or more domains and $49/domain if purchasing more than 100 domains.
All domains are provided as is, however I am providing my last year’s worth of traffic data (unique visitors) provided by Name.com and the attached report with shows keyword demand, CPC and alternate extensions registered.
Names are expected to sell very quickly – so if interested, contact me as soon as possible as this message is going out to several hundred domain investors on my newsletter.
Domain Stats, including Keyword demand, CPC and alternate extensions registered
Port a – CPC / Search Stats by webmaster5026
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